Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where Can I Get More of this??

I found this old wrapping paper in my old backpack and I want more of it.

In other news, I had breakfast with my grandparents and their old people friend's and I would like to provide you with old people update:

-- Everything is expensive
-- What happened to penny candy?
-- "Why would you rather live in the city?"
-- Everything is getting stolen (especially by the P***** R*cans) [not my grandparents view]
-- "That Joy Behar is a loudmouth"

And other incoherent ramblings.

But I love my weekly visits!

Also, if you have a hankering for super delicious food (and have extra money to spare) come eat at BALASIA. 5 - 11. I'll be there serving delicacies with a smile.

1 comment:

  1. 1. i visited my grandparents today, and most of what came out of their mouths was just a bunch of offensive oldtimey views on current events.

    2. i think what you meant to say was (and have A LOT of extra money to spare)
