"Be young and shutup"
Forty years ago one warm May, French students and workers took to the streets in protest!
Simply, students were sick of the conservative majority and being put down by the older generations.
Eventually things got pretty violent and as always, the police got REALLY violent and this lent some sympathy to the students.
And then since history repeats itself, France's government collapsed for the
neuf-centième time, and a new one was put in place.
More or less exciting than the French Revolution!
So how will you celebrate?
Will you lock yourself up in your Parisian flat with your twin and newly befriended American for a little incestuous
menage-a-trois and old timey movie references?

Or maybe center your advertising campaign for your high-end avant-garde couture line around it since, as Vice magazine says, "it went from funny to verboten to fashionable because it went from funny to verboten".
For example this:

Became this:

Either way,
"Je me souviens"
"I remember"
(Which is the slogan for Quebec, but hey, it works here too)